Usually when I go out of town, I make sure he has plenty of groceries, already pre-cooked meals ready to eat, fresh towels, laundry done, make sure the dog is taken care of, stock the fridge with beer for the weekend. You know, make it like I was here. Best Wife ever, right!
So the last time I went out of town, I decided to teach (do a little experiment)on what I call: "Chrissy needs to feel appreciated lessons". I didn't do any grocery shopping, didn't make any meals, just left town. I wasn't gone 3 hours and I get this txt: No exaggeration, it was 3 hours!
"Please never leave town again without fixing me food or at least going to the grocery store"
"I have nothing to eat, NOTHING"
"You told me once that you were a big boy, I'm sure there is some bread and peanut butter" "Make yourself a sandwich"
"Ok, you made your point, please never do that again"
Mission accomplished!
The point was not that I can't take of myself, but you do a much better job:)